Praise the Lord!
It is my prayer that my blog Life In Jesus More Abundantly is a blessing to you in some way.
There are tons of Christian resources, various Christian minisitries, and Christian websites here all in one place to help you and your little ones grow and live a life that pleasing to God so that you can have life more abundantly.
I am someone who loves the Lord Jesus so much and I know the power of prayer and fasting.
If you need prayer for anything or for someone please send me an email and I will be glad to believe God with you.
I know that God is a prayer answering God because He has answered my prayers.
I also know how it feels to be on my last rope and feel like giving up.
Well don't, because that is what the devil want's.
Instead pray and believe God, while I pray with you and watch God change things.
Submit your prayer request in and I will pray with you and believe God with you because our God is a prayer answering God!
You can email me here at for prayer request.
God bless you